Welcome to Nikabchemie collection
Manufacturer of chemicals and electroplating equipment
Nikabchemie empowers the electroplating industry
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What do you know about electroplating?

In recent years, the metal electroplating industry has witnessed a significant growth in response to the market needs. The growth of electronic and aerospace industries and the need for reliable, quality materials with controlled properties have played a significant role in this growth and development. Plating is an electrolytic process that is done to deposit a layer of metal on a metallic or non-metallic surface. This process is used to increase features such as wear and corrosion resistance or for decorative purposes. The electroplating process basically consists of passing an electric current between two electrodes immersed in an electrolyte. The electrode with positive charge is known as anode and the electrode with negative charge is known as cathode. Electrolyte contains electrically charged particles or ions. When an electric potential or voltage is created between two electrodes, the ions move towards the oppositely charged electrode. Positively charged ions go to the cathode and negatively charged ions to the anode. As a result of the movement of electrons, a current is created between two electrodes and an electric circuit. Electrical energy is generated by a DC power source such as a rectifier. During electroplating, metal ions with a positive charge are discharged in the cathode and the metal sits on the surface. The opposite of this process occurs in the anode, and in the dissolving anode, metal ions are formed through the dissolution of the anode.


Nikabchemie produces chemicals and electroplating equipment

Guaranteed quality

Advanced engineering

Good price

Shipping throughout the Middle East

About Us

Nikabchemie Company is one of the most reliable companies active in the field of electroplating chemical production and consulting and setting up electroplating lines. After years of research, this company officially started its activity in 2012 and with the help of Izadmanan port, with regard to expert manpower, production technology and modern laboratory facilities, in a short period of time, it has been able to produce more than 80 types of products related to the electroplating industry. with superior quality and lower price that meets the needs, requirements…

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